Systems Architecting a Smart Airbase
The RSAF’s airbases are getting smarter with the help of new technology enablers, and we are at the heart of it all.
To realise the RSAF’s vision of a smart airbase, we embarked on various systems architecting studies together with our RSAF partners to uncover ways for more agile and efficient airbase operations.
Our system architects and analysts held many brainstorming sessions and discussions with various stakeholders and domain experts, and conducted extensive market research to better understand and overcome the challenges.
“Tapping our expertise in operations research, we were able to apply advanced analytical methodologies such as modelling and simulation to assess the robustness of new operational concepts and home in on the most suitable solutions. We worked closely with RSAF personnel, who also participated in our discussions and provided feedback to refine the various concepts,” said Principal Analyst (DSTA Masterplanning and Systems Architecting (DMSA)) Leow Yong Khiang.
The studies and demonstrations allowed the team to develop several innovative solutions that leveraged emerging technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, Internet-of-Things sensors and autonomous systems. These include leveraging drones to assess runway damage, implementing an automated aircraft inspection system, and using self-organised drones for perimeter patrol.
“The technologies will enable the RSAF to operate more effectively at high tempo in complex environments, and open up new possibilities for to air power generation in a more agile, resilient and efficient manner,” said Principal Systems Architect (DMSA) Dr Michael Chia.
The envisaged airbase of the future will be highly networked, dynamic and more sustainable. The initiatives will be implemented progressively in close partnership with the RSAF and fielded after vigorous evaluation and testing.