Building Sustainability
We love tech, and we love green tech even more! That’s what drove us to incorporate green features into the A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) hangar, the SAF’s first net positive energy building.
Made to house the MRTT, the hangar includes a multitude of green features such as solar panels, rain water harvesting capabilities, and natural ventilation. The various features helped the hangar be certified as a net positive energy building, which is one that generates more power than it consumes. In fact, it generates 30 per cent more electricity than it consumes, and the additional energy is used to supplement other energy demands in the air base.
In recognition of the team’s commendable green spirit, the hangar received the highest accolade of the Building and Construction Authority’s Green Mark award in 2020 – the Green Mark Platinum (Positive Energy) Award.
Even before the first brick was laid, the team leveraged Building Information Modelling and virtual reality technologies to build a detailed digital model of the building, and created an immersive experience for users.
“We used a 3D spatial modelling tool to give users a better sensing of what the hangar would be like before the construction, so they could provide their feedback even during the developmental stages. This has benefited not only the users but also streamlined our work processes in coordinating iterative designs,” said Deputy Head (Sustainability Strategy) Jolene Chung.
One key feature that made the energy-efficient building possible is the rooftop solar photovoltaics panels, comprising over 2,000 panels covering an area of one football field. Together, the panels are able to produce around 1,225 MWh of electricity every year – equivalent to what 273 four-room HDB flats consume annually!
The hangar doesn’t just save power, but water as well. Through its rainwater harvesting system – which recycles rain for non-potable uses – and other water efficient features, the hangar can save 5,460 cubic metres of water a year.
Developing and delivering the facility was an intriguing yet enriching journey, which led the team to try new approaches and grow together. As Senior Programme Manager (Building and Infrastructure) Soh Tian Boon summed up: “The team's willingness to explore new ideas and tap opportunities were key to the project's success.”