02 Sep 2022
Our staff hustle hard not just when it comes to securing Singapore’s defence, but also when enjoying their hobbies! From award-winning athletes and artists, to musicians and public speaking enthusiasts, our staff relish other pursuits in life. Find out how their interests also fuel their work!
Procurement Manager Michelle Leow always keeps her eyes on the ball, be it procuring logistics services for the SAF or representing Singapore in handball competitions such as the 2021 Southeast Asian Games. For her, juggling work and training is no easy feat, but she faces things head on.
Her love for volleyball started in her teens. Today, Senior Engineer (Information) Low Jia Xin is a member of our volleyball special interest group which has emerged victorious in several indoor and beach competitions. The sport has taught her the importance of teamwork, and also provided opportunities to grow a network of like-minded friends across the organisation. Now, that’s a score!
Serial medallist best describes Head Engineering (Naval Architecture) Dr Nigel Koh when it comes to dragon boating. Behind the awards – which include gold medals in competitions such as the Singapore Regatta Waterfest and Pesta Sukan – Nigel is someone who emphasises discipline and camaraderie. Sharing the same philosophy when it comes to leading his team at DSTA, he said: “We can only achieve our common mission when everyone paddles to the same beat.”
What started as a goal to get healthy led Senior Engineer (Systems Engineering & C3 Centre) Seng Ai Lim to attain certification as a personal trainer because she wanted to know all things about health and fitness. Her appetite for learning pushes her to challenge herself, just like how she goes beyond her core area in command, control and communications to gain cybersecurity skills to enhance her work.
Life’s like a game of chess for Head Course Development (DSTA Academy) Goh Yong Han. Every move he makes is done so with great deliberation. His secret to staying ahead of the game and at work? Build a solid foundation in both strategy and knowledge. This is evident in how he develops courses to train the next generation of defence technologists!
Illustrating a point has never been easier for Senior UX Designer (C3 Development) Daniel Chua. After all, he has mastered the art of simplifying complex ideas with his sketches. Besides being an outlet to exercise his creativity, sketching also comes in handy for visualisation of solutions at work.
You might have seen this t-shirt in Uniqlo, but did you know that it was designed by our very own talent? Out of 14,000 entries, Senior Programme Manager (Naval Systems) Jeremy Sim was the only Singaporean among 11 winners of the global UT Grand Prix T-shirt design competition. His eye for detail has proven vital in both producing an award-winning piece, and also in his systems engineering work.
Music has certainly inspired this French horn player’s outlook on life. To Senior Programme Manager (Building & Infrastructure) Chua Gim Phui, there’s no shortcut when it comes to mastering a skill – the only road to success is paved with loads of practice. She also believes that a high performing team is akin to an orchestra, with skilled individuals who contribute and shine at different stages. Hitting all the right notes, we say!
Speaking before an audience wasn’t second nature to Senior Engineer (Information) Lee Chee Meng – at least, not until he attended an inspiring talk by a public speaking world champion. Since joining DSTA’s Toastmasters Club, he has represented us at speech contests, and has never been more confident when presenting at work.